Saturday, May 23, 2020

Virtue And Its Implications For Individuals And Society

Civic virtue and its implications for individuals and society has been a subject studied and contemplated by many great philosophers. Virtue is a subject where philosophers do not absolutely agree on its meanings and implications. However, many great philosophers share similar thoughts on the subject, while others differ in aspects on their idea of virtue. Philosophers comprehension and opinions on the topic derive from their historical era, other philosophers, and the history of the Western civilization. To understand virtue one must examine virtue’s meaning, formation, types, equality, importance to society, religious implications, and the different degrees of virtue leaders and citizens must have. Initially, to understand virtue one†¦show more content†¦He did not believe a ruler truly had to be virtuous, instead a ruler must only appear to maintain virtuous characteristics for the citizen’s benefit. Secondly, to understand virtue one must examine the formation of virtue. How is virtue formed in individuals and society? Aristotle believed humans learned virtue, and the act of being virtuous. He believed there were two ways people became virtuous, people were either â€Å"born innocent, becomes selfish† or they were â€Å"born into sin, and must learn to be virtuous† (pg. 14). Cicero differs from Plato since he believed to be virtuous a philosopher must be politically active. Plato believed a philosopher should only step into public affairs when requested, Cicero declares to attain virtue one must voluntarily assist others either in protecting their property or ensuring no harm is done to them. Ergo, Plato would claim philosophers are just and virtuous through seeking knowledge and truth alone, Cicero agrees one must strive to attain these components of virtue but one must also act for the benefit of others. Augustine believed virtue was formed within each person th rough their struggles with sin and temptation. He believed no one could ever become absolutely virtuous since sin will always be a part of a persons’ internal struggle. Instead being virtuous means constantly choosing what is right over what is wrong. True virtue

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